
Admirals Cove: How Wal-Mart can help you sell your house

Is your home for sale in Admirals Cove?

How are you addressing your market position?

Maybe consistent, sensory stimulation is killing the sale.

The human mind is wired to notice change.  Every retailer knows this, every woman knows this...does your agent?

Recently, the local Wal-Mart underwent a major interior reorganization.  Same merchandise, but at a different location in the store.  Why... the answer is obvious.  You get used to walking through the store and just look right past the items that are always in the same place. So, knowing this, the store rearranges everything periodically to draw your attention to the merchandise. 

A local grocery store just went through the same process.  Everything was just slightly rearranged.
OK, so how does this apply if you have a home for sale in Admirals Cove?

Admirals Cove homes on Captains Way

Could the simple choice of words make a difference in how your home is perceived?  You bet!  But, the most common thing agents do is reuse the same words and lingo every other agent uses.  Need an example?

 Look through the ads in the paper.  How many ads use the words, "stunning","spectacular", "spacious", "lush landscaping" and I could go on.  But the point is synonyms are easy to come by.  Might it improve your position just a little to find some different words to use? 

Maybe.  Wal-Mart thinks they can sell more shirts just by moving them to the other side of the aisle. That's only a slight re-positioning but it usually only takes a 1% improvement to sell your house.

Another thought.  If your home is being advertised by an agent who places the same ad in the same place every week, you might try moving it to another place in the newspaper or rewriting the ad.  Or course, around 85% of buyers start their search on the Internet so reread my piece about IDX positioning.  The newspaper is where agents advertise themselves using your home as ad copy filler.

Oh, and the world's largest retailer only advertises one time per month in the paper.  Maybe they are on to something??

To see all homes for sale in Admirals Cove, visit me at Coastal Florida Real Estate where you will find the fastest MLS search results available.  Every home, every picture, everything is there for you in real time.  If you would prefer a little guidance getting started or want me to keep an eye for a special situation, you can contact me at 561-762-4073.  I have lived here for 25 years and can show you the best locations and some great opportunities.